I can't seem to get this to work more directly with Wiggle, so I've set up a Null with multiple sliders to mimic (but alter) what the Wiggle expression does. But if no new coordinate is given (and the randomizing function spits out a zero instead), the position is told to stay put (by accessing the previous position coordinates with valueAtTime(ameDuration) and taking in those previous coordinates as the new coordinates). If a new wiggle coordinate is given, the wiggling layer's position accepts that value and moves there. The Current Setup with Expressions: My approach has been to use valueAtTime to have After Effects read previous position values. (It won't, in other words, jump to a new spot then immediately bounce back, as the Wiggle expression has it do by default.) So I'm trying to make a more realistic-looking stop motion effect.
Why I'm Doing This: The idea here is that realistically when shooting stop-motion with an actual camera, if a paper cutout accidentally gets bumped into a slightly new position, it will probably stay there until bumped again, X number of frames later. So far, it isn't quite working and would love some input if anyone else out there can figure out how this would work better! For making stop-motion animation, I'm trying to alter the AE Wiggle expression (or essentially create a Wiggle knockoff) that jumps to a slightly altered position, but then stays at that position until a new randomized Wiggle coordinate comes in.